================================================================================ TERABITHIA-SPECIFIC PACKAGE CHANGES (See RELEASENOTES for Project Changes) ================================================================================ *** 4.3.30 - Fix a crash caused by a double-free in a Terabithia patch now that buffer allocs are handled more safely already - Allow systemd to issue reload via -HUP to xymonlaunch and restart if dies (rare) *** 4.3.29 - Upstream xymond default max memory size now 64MB - Updated c-ares bundled version to 1.15.0 and xxHash to 0.7.1 *** 4.3.28 - XYMONNETWORKCOUNT can be passed as an environment variable if you need more than 63 XYMONNETWORKS specified (Note: this is 4.3 only - it's dynamic in 4.x-master) - Updated c-ares bundled version to 1.12.0 and xxHash to 0.6.2 *** 4.3.27 - SELinux policy bug fixes. Always make sure you're running the latest selinux policy packages for best results. *** 4.3.26 - Discard BFQ messages that are E2BIG rather than try to determine size with a larger buffer, since we don't know what the system MAXMSG actually is. *** 4.3.25 - Fix buffer overflow crash with overized client/data messags *** 4.3.24-3 - multiple clienthttp checks for a single host should now be sent into a single client message, instead of separate ones overwriting each other (since they all have the 'xymonnet' collector ID). *** 4.3.24 - Fixes improper parsing of HTTP status codes where *everything* not special-cased was considered a Critical alert instead of OK/Yellow as intended by ranges. - Fixes an issue where were weren't linking to -llzo2 on some systems. *** 4.3.23 - In the RPM versions of the init scripts, xymoncmd is called to populate the environment before XYMONCLIENTHOME is set. This led to a spurious warning on client systems. This doesn't affect the 4.3.22 source release because the upstream init script is quite different. *** 4.3.22 - See RELEASENOTES for important changes in what HTTP status codes xymonnet treats as OK, Warning, or Critical. - Many non-bugfix features have been upstreamed. *** 4.3.21-6 - Fix occasional crash in purple processing *** 4.3.21-4 - Fixes constantly-refreshing 'modify' status messages - Fixes a bug in binary message size recalculation that would prevent HTTP submission to xymonmsgcgi (Terabithia only) - KNOWN ISSUE (not new): Compressed messages cannot be sent via the HTTP proxy *** 4.3.20 - Automatic adding of FollowSymLinks to apache config on update no longer performed since we're now hard linking cgiwrap - SELinux fixes - summaries should show up again - column documentation lookups should work again - httphead= support added - LZ4 support added (use lz4-static RPM if building static RPM) - new "clientlog" column displayed (similar to info/trends) on pages - xymondboard commands by default will be faster, as should xymongen load times - GRAPHS_xxx to allow multiple types of graphs on a single page to be shown - "Actual" memory usage on Linux 3.4+ Kernels (F21 and RHEL7) is now calculated from the "Available" amount of memory reported by the kernel. Physical memory in the Memory test no longer includes buffered/cached RAM (which will be swapped out) - Changes to "modify" behavior: - an addition or removal of a modify sourcename will cause a stachg and page update - syntax now supports duration values ("60m") or status-message-validty ("+3v") or both - "modifyup" and "modifydown" messages will only increase or decrease the severity of a message, never the opposite. In other words "modifyup host.test yellow source cause" will NEVER lower a red status down to yellow. *** 4.3.19 - LOGFETCH_SCROLLBACK has been deprecated; use LOGFETCHSCROLLBACK instead. Default is 6 - LOGFETCHSKIPTEXT and LOGFETCHCURRENTTEXT can be specified. Defaults are: LOGFETCHSKIPTEXT="<...SKIPPED...>" LOGFETCHCURRENTTEXT="<...CURRENT...>" - xymonproxy in --bfq mode and with --extcombine will now deconstruct legacy combo messages and re-piece the component messages together as extcombos. - For long running processes, set XYMON_SENDBFQ to a negative number to rotate through BFQ's on successive extcombo submissions. - xymond_channel has had some performance tweaks to prevent semaphore slowdowns when the local peer(s) is/are busy. We only flush queues once every 5s, and we limit the number of consecutive writes attempted when xymond had sent us something on over the SysV IPC channel *** 4.3.18 (RELEASED) ->> It is now recommended to install the xymon-client package on your main xymon server. The RPMs no longer conflict and the client files may be removed from the server package in a (far) future update. <<- - LOGFETCH_SCROLLBACK can be set in the client environment to alter how far back logfetch will begin searching for data (in # of runs, up to 6). Setting to 0 means it will begin only where it left off at the last run. - you may prepend the tag "optional" to include or directory lines to suppress error messages if/when the file or directory doesn't exist. - logfetch properly handles situations where multiple triggers are found but there's too much log data to send back without skipping multiple times. (Thanks, Franco Gasperino - --modify-msgs can be passed to xymond_client to have it send supplemental "modify" messages in addition to the normal 'msgs' status test - xymongrep now supports the comma-separated XYMONNETWORK and XYMONEXNETWORK values that xymonnet does - logfetch and xymongrep both support the --debug flag, and logfetch now outputs error messages when low level issues occur or a regex is invalid - cgioptions.cfg is no longer parsed by the shell, but is instead run via another C wrapper. See http://lists.xymon.com/pipermail/xymon/2014-September/040351.html - on upgrade, /etc/httpd/conf.d/xymon.conf is munged to allow symlinks in xymon*cgi - rrdefinitions and client-local both have directories included in /etc/xymon/ now - environment lines beginning with "export " will still be parsed - 'headermatch' in xymonnet for HTTP content checking will match headers even if there was no body output - the "version" returned by xymon components now contains the full RPM release set, along with the string ".terabithia" to aid in tracking deployments. *** experimental features *** - an experimental backport of the compression libraries from xymon 5 is available. Set XYMON_COMPRESS=1 in the environment when sending a xymon message, or pass the --compress option to the xymon binary itself to use. - Messages requiring a response will not be compressed - Xymonproxy also accepts the --compress option. Interoperability with --bfq and --extcombo modes has not been thoroughly tested and should be used with caution. - Be wary of setting up pipelines where already-compressed messages are wrapped and re-compressed. - compress=zlib, lzo, and "none" are supported - Multiple BFQ channels can be read by xymond in a round robin fashion. Specify --bfq=2 (up to 9) to enable BFQ "channels" 0, 1, and 2. (0 is the default) - The xymon client, as well as xymonnet, xymonproxy, xymond_client, and xymond_rrd can all be told to send using a specific bfq using the --bfq=# option, or by setting the XYMON_SENDBFQ environment variable. *** 4.3.18 (branch) - 7464 - 36 - CACHESZ has been increased from 23 to 64 (up originally from 12). This better reflects the original intent of 1 hour of caching, given that the default (in this RPM) is for xymonnet running every minute and clients running 3x/5 mins. This will significantly increase RAM requirements for the xymond_processes when in caching mode. - xymond: a "histsync" command has been added (same semantics/filters as the xymondboard command) which causes xymond to send the next status message (regardless of color) on the stachg channel to xymond_history. Useful if your history files seem to have gotten out of sync. - The $EPOCHHIST environment variable has been deprecated in favor of an --epochtimestamps option to xymond_history - xymondboard now accepts an "ip=" filter. This is a PCRE. *** 4.3.18 (branch) - 7464 - 35 - xymond_rrd now accepts a --cachemultiplier option to alter the auto-flushing of the internal cache over time. (Default is 1x the CACHESZ, which is now 23 entries.) *** 4.3.18 (branch) - 7464 - 33.1 - xymond now has an undocumented --reload-interval option that controls how often it will scan hosts.cfg for changes. (This process can be heavy in large installations.) Default is 300s. As a result of this change, we no longer automatically tie this to the checkpoint interval value. - xymond_alert will now regularly reload the hosts.cfg file for changes; this is mostly useful for SCRIPT directives that might otherwise be getting stale XMH_RAW data. --loadhostsfromxymond is also provided - Lots of additional debugging has been added in xymonproxy - FAILDELAY can be set (in seconds) in tasks.cfg or clientlaunch.cfg to alter the penalty xymonlaunch applies to a task that exits non-zero more than 5x in a row. Default is 600 (10m), set to 0 to disable. - xymond_rrd no longer creates rrdctl socket files if it's not cacheing or not writing out to disk. RRDCACHED_ADDRESS can be set in xymonserver.cfg to affect xymond_rrd, while cgioptions.cfg can (optionally) override this for showgraph.cgi Thanks to Martin Sperl for inspiration - xymond_capture can be used against most channels now - heavily loaded xymond_rrd processes should see a performance improvement - buffering for external RRD processor streams has been changed from per-xymon-msg to standard libc buffering. To restore previous behavior, set env RRD_EXTPROC_DOFLUSH=1. The buffer size is BUFSIZ (system default), but can bet overridden with RRD_EXTPROC_BUFSIZ - process listings in client report are now in "ASCII art forest" mode (f). Matching with "^" regexes in analysis.cfg PROC sections works as expected. - 'proxyping' command now available for determining if a xymonproxy is up w/o sending it through to the upstream server - xymonproxy in BFQ mode will retry to post a message to the BFQ on failure - /etc/xymon/xymonserver.cfg.d/ and /etc/xymon-client/xymonclient.cfg.d/ now exist - on RHEL5/EL6, now built to use shared vendor c-ares library instead of static copy included. (I recommend using updated EL6 c-ares packages to bring in performance improvements and other bug fixes.) - 4.3.18 branch is now built by default (instead of 4.3.17) - with xymon-devel installed, you should be able to include: #include in source files and build using the headers installed on the system, - EXPERIMENTAL: shared libxymon.* library can be built now (xymon-libs) *** 4.3.18 (branch) - 7464 - xymonping is no longer included with the package (really). fping has been a Requirement for a while now - new xymondboard filters with timestamps (< <= > >= = !=) lastchange logtime validtime acktime disabletime All of these accept unix epoch timestamps, which can be pulled easily by using GNU's `date` via shell ticks: ex: xymon localhost "xymondboard color=red lastchange>`date +%s -d '-1 day'`" xymon localhost "xymondboard logtime>`date +%s -d '-20 sec'`" - new PCRE matching: ackmsg dismsg - xymond_nanomsg can read from xymond_channel (well, stdin) and post to a nanomsg queue direct xymond_channel support (a la '--locator') is coming! *** 4.3.18 (branch) - 7463 - 8 - XYMONNETWORK can now accept a comma separated list of networks which will be searched for by xymonnet when deciding what to poll. XYMONEXNETWORKS has been renamed to XYMONEXNETWORK (to match above) - xymongrep utility has not yet been modified for above - maximum number of networks is 63 (up from 31) - Experimental clienthttp directives are present to allow HTTP payloads to be transmitted by xymonnet as "client" sections - The default timeout for communication has been increased from 15 to 50 seconds - Stale alerts (alerts no longer alerting once xymond_alert has been renabled or relaunched) will now send a final recovery message to any known previous recipients. Maybe. (There still seem to be cases when this does not happen properly.) - The number of processors available on the linux server is now in the client msg - LDAP tests no longer "short circuit" if the hostname (or IP, if testip is indicated) is not pingable (eg, due to a firewall rule). - tmpfs partitions are no longer excluded from disk/inode monitoring *** 4.3.18 (branch) - 7463 - All utilities will attempt to retry connections to xymond more often if the connection was dropped part-way through or was in a half-open state. - On new server installs, $XYMONSERVERHOSTNAME will be set to the MACHINEDOTS value given by xymoncmd (which derives it from $HOSTNAME or `uname -n`). $XYMONSERVERWWWNAME will be set to the XYMONSERVERHOSTNAME value. - CLIENTHOSTNAME and CLIENTOS overrides should work again on systemd systems for the default client. MACHINE and SERVEROSTYPE are still set to defaults by xymoncmd however. - xymond_channel should be more efficient in picking up messages from xymond, and a few memory leaks have been fixed. - Failed CGI requests to xymond should print with more friendly error messages. *** 4.3.17-7 - A RHEL7 package is now available. This is built against the Beta images and things could change for the release version, beware. Unlike RHEL6, dietlibc and dash (the altshell) are not available, and the default build now accounts for this. In addition, the net-tools RPM containing /bin/netstat and /bin/ifconfig is now explicitly pulled in, since it's not installed by default with initscripts. - The package now provides an /etc/xymon/hosts.d/ directory, with is auto-included in new (only) hosts.cfg files. Copy the relevant line from the hosts.cfg.rpmnew file to include it. - xymond_channel provides its children with a XYMOND_CHANNELNAME environment variable containing the name of the channel being listened to. *** 4.3.17-6 - xymonlaunch will pause a few moments before exiting to allow children time to clean up or safely exit (such as for a restart). It still does NOT follow up a TERM with a KILL for "stuck" jobs when in shutdown mode (since some processes may take a while flushing caches or in similar clewanup). - On service shutdown, xymond_channel workers will receive any remaining buffered messages before exiting, even though further messages from the channel itself are no longer being added. - Two additional options to xymond_channel are now available. One, --filterlater, will cause it to apply PCRE filters *after* it's released the semaphore for xymond's use. This may assist with concurrency on high-volume systems. - The other is --multilocal, which treats all non-option arguments to xymond_channel as *separate* processes to launch simultaneously. Example: xymoncmd xymond_channel --channel=status --multilocal xymond_sample cat Any command with arguments of its own (eg, xymond_filestore) will need to be launched via a separate shell script or other shim file, and the arguments located there. *** 4.3.17-1 ->> XYMONHOME on the server is now /usr/share/xymon/ . The change should be transparent, but if you had hard-coded /usr/share/xymon/server/ into your scripts you'll want to upgrade them. You should also verify that xymonserver.cfg changes have been carried over. Replacing a directory with a symlink is actually rather difficult to do in RPM. On a live system that's being upgraded, verify symlink installation right away. - xymonproxy's experimental --bfq option should now be working properly. extcombo messages are passed straight through, while non-extcombo messages are extcombo'd and then placed onto the backfeed queue. xymond will log an error if it sees a message requireing a response in the middle of an extcombo or on the backfeed queue, but continue on. The best way to think of this is as a one-way pipe. If you have a remote xymonnet install that's sending a large amount of traffic to a xymond, you can have it send its results to a xymonproxy instance running in --bfq mode to effectively offload heavy TCP load from the main xymond. Note that this kind of layout is really only needed if you have a LOT of tests. Think 30000 hosts being polled every minute. - After being experimented with, GIFs and CSS files in /usr/share/xymon/static/ are NOT marked as %config files, as this violates several packaging guidelines about the use of /usr/. Serving files directly out of /etc/ is also usually considered not a great idea. The best way to save customizations to these files (or icon sets) is to copy the /statc/{gifs,menu}/ to another location and edit the Alias lines in /etc/httpd/ - When logging xymond via LOGFILE in tasks.cfg instead of the command line (the default config layout in this package), stdout was not being properly rotated on HUP. This has been fixed. - Some really old (Hobbit-era) RPM scriptlet upgrade hacks have been removed to help trim down the spec file. Very old installs should probably carry over new config files by hand instead. - A new xymon-client-local package is available. If you want to run the xymon-client in --local mode, you'll need to install this. It's done as a separate package so that xymond_client (the local configurator) doesn't pull in a PCRE package on systems that don't need it (which is the usual case). - Users rebuilding this package should pay special note to the various --with/without build options. Although they should work on any version of RHEL or Fedora, other RPM-based systems might need their own appropriate settings. Spec-file patches to do this automatically are welcome. *** 4.3.13 - The startup scripts have received some major changes to help streamline both the SysV and systemd runtime paths. Both xymonlaunch runtime settings (typically just the --log destination) are set in /etc/sysconfig/xymonlaunch. The launch settings in /etc/sysconfig/xymon-client can be removed, and the file at /etc/sysconfig/xymon can be removed entirely. The /etc/sysconfig/xymonlaunch file is read in for both SysV and systemd systems. - On recent Fedora systems using Apache 2.4, the config file in /etc/httpd/conf.d/ should now be working properly out of the box. - A XYMONEXNETWORKS setting is listed in xymonserver.cfg; its effects do NOT extend to 'xymongrep' yet, however. - Multiple DS lines in analysis.cfg for xymond_rrd to modify the same status should now stack appropriately. - On x86_64 systems, acknowledgement cookies may be up to 20 digits long. - Newly-created rrd files will have a 4-week HWPREDICT function included. *** 4.3.13-0.7314-16 - XYMOM_TIMEOUT and XYMON_RETRIES can be specified in the xymon environment - 'modify', 'hostinfo', and bogus messages, as well as timeouts, are all tracked separately in xymond's regular status report. - A "statusmode" option is available which leverages an expanded version of the legacy Big Brother "client report as status message" feature in the normal client install. (This won't work against older xymond packages, so if you're using it be sure to upgrade the server first.) In this mode (add a STATUSMODE=yes line in /etc/sysconfig/xymon-client), the clients will send "status" messages upstream instead of "client" messages, will send the messages *simultaneously* to all upstream servers, and will only update their settins from client-local.cfg once every half hour. This mode can be used when you have a large number of systems reporting in and want to reduce two-way traffic against xymond. To have the two-way traffic (for the client-local.cfg data) gathered from a different server entirely, add a XYMCONFIGSRV line in /etc/sysconfig/xymon-client ->> Lots of support for fine-tuning BFQ-related features --bfq and --no-bfq options can be passed to xymond_client and xymond_rrd to force automatic behavior. Additionally, a "--flushtimeout" option will force pending extcombo messages to be periodically flushed (sent) after that long with no activity. XYMONDTCPINTERVAL can be set to modify how many seconds xymond will spend on the backfeedqueue before it stops and handles pending tcp traffic. (default: 1) XYMONDBFQCHUNK will modify the number of bfq messages parsed before even checking for an expired tcp interval. (If you receive a lot of large extcombo messages, those are only counted as a single message.) *** 4.3.12 ->> HTTPRRDCOLNAME -- set HTTPRRDCOLNAME in xymonserver.cfg to instruct xymonnet to return http test results with a column name specified (eg, cont=) in such a way that xymond_rrd will save the metrics to a .rrd named for that column instead of the URL. To migrate your existing data, you'll need to manually rename files in your $XYMONVAR/rrd/ directory from tcp.http.http:,,www,example,net,some.test.rrd to the new one /tcp.http.colname.rrd. HTTP tests without specified column names are unaffected ->> EPOCHHIST -- set the EPOCHHIST environment variable in xymonserver.cfg to force xymond_history to save historical data files under epoch timestamp names instead of the old Big Brother compatibility format. - on Fedora 18 (or apache 2.4 systems) examine /etc/http/conf.d/xymon.conf for access changes to the /usr/share/xymon/static directory. - The "local" version of the client that runs on the xymond server is now configured in the /etc/xymon-client/clientlaunch.cfg file, which is included from the /etc/xymon/tasks.cfg file. On upgrades, you'll probably want to carry this change over by hand. - DELAY (in seconds, after NEEDS) and SENDHUP (pass it along when xymonlaunch receives one) options were added to tasks.cfg. Use the former for xymonproxy and other services that may need to rotate logs independently from any specific channel, or are running remotely via the xymond_locator function. - Updates from clients are sent every 100 seconds instead of 5 minutes. This used to be the default in the package, but broke at some point. You can edit this INTERVAL in /etc/xymon-client/clientlaunch.cfg, of course. - The output of /proc/meminfo and 'vmstat -s' have been added to the Linux client reports via /usr/share/xymon-client/sections/ files. See README.sections for more details. - A --delay option is available in xymond_channel to wait between initial forking of the channel processor and actually hooking up to the semaphore. This should prevent really heavy processes that take a long time to start up from spitting error messages out about lost messages. - --no-cookies and --no-save-cookies are options to xymonnet to bypass all cookies logic. Useful if you don't care about cookies but have a ton of HTTP checks, or if you're running multiple copies of xymonnet simultaneously *** 4.3.9 - SELinux should work successfully on EL5+ and FC17+ - fping is a requirement, but no specific version is required by RPM - You can install "local" scripts to be run on a client by placing an executable file in either $XYMONHOME/local or /usr/local/share/xymon-client/ See README-local for details (and README-sections for a packagable method) ============================================================================ %changelog * Tue Jan 17 2017 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.28-1 - update to 4.3.28 * Thu Jan 05 2017 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.28-0.6.1 - update to 4.3.28-rc2 * Wed Dec 28 2016 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.28-0.5.1 - update to 4.3.28-rc1 - fix misparsed PCRE regex's in client-local.cfg (Reported by Erik D. Schminke) - don't warn when XYMONNETWORKCOUNT not present - add maxnetworks patch (XYMONNETWORKCOUNT env passed to set max) Thanks, Franco Gasperino - update c-ares bundle to 1.12.0 when used * Fri Oct 14 2016 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.27-4 - xymond_rrd: fix memory leak in do_netapp - update xxHash bundle to r0.6.2 - Merge experimental relocation bits. This won't work very well until all FHS work is unrolled and wrapped in conditionals. * Fri Sep 9 2016 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.27-3 - xymonnet: Fix timelimit and --huge arg processing * Thu Jun 9 2016 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.27-2 - TCP error after connection opened reporting fix (Rep by Mike Burger) * Thu Mar 24 2016 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.27-1 - Update to 4.3.27 * Thu Mar 17 2016 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.26-3 - Change SELinux labels for run directory from unconfied_execmem_t to initrc_var_run_t as the former is missing in EL7 and later F. * Thu Mar 3 2016 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.26-2 - Fix improper redirecting on CGI pages - Fix empty (0 byte) directories flagged as error * Fri Feb 19 2016 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.26-1 - Xymon 4.3.26 - Try to recover better from BFQ errors, or exit cleanly if unable - Simply discard BFQ message if E2BIG received, since MAXMSG system size is unknown * Mon Feb 08 2016 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.25-1 - Xymon 4.3.25 - Fix crash with oversized client/data msgs under max buffer size (Thanks, Matt Vander Werf) * Wed Feb 03 2016 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.25-0.9.2 - Xymon 4.3.25-rc2 - update xxHash bundle to r0.5.0 - remove upstreamed xymond_alert patches - Restore SELinux context on upgrades as well as installs, except the recursive /var/lib/xymon/ directory, which can take a significant length of time on large installations. (/var/lib/xymon/configs/ is still applied) * Sat Jan 09 2016 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.25-0.1 - Add logrotate to client RPM requires; add psmisc to client and server as it's not included in some minimal installs (Thanks, Thomas Leavitt) * Tue Dec 29 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.25-0.0.4 - Testing 4.3.25 - Don't force environment loading when setting up signal handler - Adjust default report for xymon crash on an unknown system to "localhost" - Fix crash on bogus SSL expiration dates * Wed Dec 02 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.24-3 - Only match trends segments on full RRD names * Sun Nov 29 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.24-2 - Ensure all non-empty clienthttp sections make it into a unified client message from xymonnet's http polls - Document clienthttp[,svc,only] tags in hosts.cfg * Mon Nov 23 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.24-1 - Release 4.3.24 (fixes HTTP status code mis-processing) - liblzo should be liblzo2 on most modern systems. * Thu Nov 12 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.23-1 - Release 4.3.23 * Wed Nov 11 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.22-5 - Fix broken TRACK / OPTIONAL configs in analysis.cfg * Tue Nov 10 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.22-3 - fix netstat (ports) output missing on EL6 clients * Sun Nov 8 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.22-2 - fix loadalerts.c compile warning - xymoncmd: don't assume XYMONCLIENTHOME is present when searching for xymonclient.cfg (Thanks, Matt Vander Werf) * Fri Nov 6 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.22-1 - Update to 4.3.22 release * Thu Nov 5 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.22-0.8 - back out ACCEPTONLY changes - logfetch: fix deltacount segfault when checked file is missing * Wed Nov 4 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.22-0.7 - sanitize group names - RC3 * Mon Nov 2 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.22-0.5 - update to 4.3.22-rc1 * Thu Oct 29 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.22-0.1 - update to 4.3.22-beta - update sqlite to 3090100 * Mon Oct 19 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.22-0.0.11 - update sqlite to 3090000 - 4.3.22 testing - r7707 * Wed Sep 30 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.21-7 - increase precision in xymonnet timing and allowed RRD NCV parsing - don't truncate netstat output in EL3+ * Wed Sep 30 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.21-6 - xymond: fix purple tree crash (Thanks Franco Gasperino) - update xxHash bundle to r42 * Sun Jun 7 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.21-5 - xymongen: fix broken COMPACT lines / missing XMH_DATA (Thanks Jacek Tomasiak) * Sun May 24 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.21-4 - compression: lz4 returns fully negative ints instead of size/ssize_t * Sat May 23 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.21-3 - Fix HTTP submission to xymoncgimsg script (Reported by k_vlado@hotmail.com) - cgi: pass content length data of POST blobs - strfunc: don't re-calc length when converting to strbuffer - xymoncgimsg: Match max message CGI size to xymond size - xymoncgimsg: Ensure binary/compressed data OK * Fri May 22 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.21-1 - Update to 4.3.21 * Wed May 20 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.20-3 - Properly calculate "worst case scenario" for LZO/LZ4 when compressing - LZ4 returns <0 on decompression failure - Fix display of compressed message size when an error occurred - If BFQ message is too large, remove it from the queue rather than trying again and wedging. xymond: exit on perm errors. * Tue May 19 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.20-2 - Fix spurious flapping detection for non-color-changing modifies (Reported by Mike Burger) * Fri May 15 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.20-1 - Update to 4.3.20 - Rebuild HTML man pages to incorporate man patches - Add BuildRequires: man2html * Thu May 14 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.20-0.2.2 - reduce criteria non-match from error to debug * Wed May 13 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.20-0.2.1 - update to 4.3.20-rc2 - fix broken normal modify statements; document syntax in xymon(1) * Tue May 12 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.20-0.0.2 - ugly hack to interpret constants in combo.cfg properly * Tue May 12 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.20-0.0.1 - update to 4.3.20-rc1 - remove upstreamed patches - add xymon.c-ares.noegrep.patch * Tue May 12 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.19-35 - modify vaildity support (duration specifiers) + modifyup/modifydown to prevent modifies from accidentally moving status the wrong way - send status messages through when a new modify cause is inserted, even if color has not changed * Thu May 07 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.19-33 - don't crash in xymond_alert when testing against an undefined hostname (Thanks, John Thurston) * Wed May 06 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.19-32 - set Physical Used memory to previous calculations * Sun May 03 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.19-31 - fix "actual" memory calculation on recent linux (rhel7/f21) (Reported by Dominique Frise) - add dash to uptime report to match other client status messages - fix building on F20/21 * Thu Apr 30 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.19-28 - don't drop host records before dropping logs - wrap POSIX binary tree modifications for key drops with #ifdef's - fix small leak with result buffer on hosts reload * Wed Apr 29 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.19-26 - wrap uname() availability if #ifdef's for very old systems - start using setenv instead of putenv if present - fix leaks loading tcp services and checking purples - add GRAPHS_ specifier patch (from Werner Maier) * Tue Apr 28 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.19-22 - add coverity flag to spec file - add acknowledgements patches from Andy Smith - fix leak in network hostinfo load - clichg buffer overrides (different value than client) should be handled properly - coverity: guard against some div-by-zeros in compression.c * Fri Apr 24 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.19-20 - xymond_client: svcs crash debugging - hosts in downtime shouldn't go purple * Wed Apr 22 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.19-19 - cache 'line1' field for status messages (perf4) - but don't even request them for xymongen (since it doesn't use them) * Tue Apr 21 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.19-18.5 - exclude fake clientcolumn status from info page; add docs - pre-compute encoded modify strings (perf3) - fix a valgrind complaint - fix a divide-by-0 error in some cases (Reported by John Thurston) * Mon Apr 20 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.19-18.1 - fix size args to lzo compression routines improperly case on EL3/4 - fix an older GCC warning in xymond_rrd - performance tuning in posttochannel (perf1 / perf2) * Mon Apr 20 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.19-17 - upstreamed patches - create host tree on first client receipt, not first status - add fake "client" test similar to info/trends, with link to clientlog - don't exceed buffer size when reading from msgp (long offset for msgp) * Fri Apr 17 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.19-15 - really fix the RPM hardlinking issue - fix a missing table cell tag closure on pages - improve write buffering for page output in xymongen - pre-allocate channel master working memory for data/client messages - fix a memory leak in handling bbwin/winps svcs test results - fix a memory leak with zlib compression (oops) * Fri Apr 17 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.19-14 - fix unterminated log sections in logfetch (Reported by Johan Sj�berg) - build: convert ZLIBLIBS/INCDIR to more generic COMPLIBS/INCDIR - experimental LZ4 support now available (if present during build) - fix column documentation link (Reported by Andy Smith) - httphead= syntax in hosts.cfg to support http HEAD method requests * Mon Apr 13 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.19-11 - fix confreport.sh not displaying timespecs * Fri Apr 10 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.19-10 - pulldata= specifiers now honored (Reported by John Thurston) * Thu Apr 09 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.19-9 - SELinux: fix cache permissions for snapshots and availability reports (Reported by Dirk Kastens) - SELinux: also, acknowledgements/notifications.log reading - remove auto-add of FollowSymLinks to pre-existing snippets on upgrade * Wed Apr 08 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.19-5 - add deflateBound() for really old zlib (EL3 building works again woot) - fix spurious filtering out of summary reports - accept URLs for http/https (etc) regardless of protocol case - add URL recognition for "ftps" - fix URL recognition for "ldaps" - hardlink cgiwrap cgi copies instead of symlinking to obviate the need for FollowSymLinks to be set in apache * Fri Apr 03 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.19-3 - fix wrong system clock delta reported when xymon_client in --local mode - maxpeerwrites defaults to 1 (when message rcvd via channel) - compress:none is deprecated (confusing), use compress:plain instead - release * Wed Apr 01 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.19-2 - update to 4.3.19 final release - remove all upstreamed patches - lower xymond_channel pause from 25us to 15us - limit consecutive writes to peers when something was received from xymond (default=2; --maxpeerwrites to change) * Mon Mar 30 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.19-0.0.7618.30 - xymond_channel: only walk msgq for flushing every 5s - don't setup BFQ's we're not going to use - rotate BFQ's on each message posted, not just extcombos * Sat Mar 28 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.19-0.0.7617.29 - patch BFQ rotation semantics * Wed Mar 25 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.19-0.0.7617.28 - update to 4.3.19-rc1 (see Changelog for full details) - remove various upstreamed patches / specfile cleanup - proxy: recombine incoming combo messages into extcombos in bfq mode too - proxy: ensure we're not above MAX_OPEN_SOCKS when selecting - Terabithia-specific CHANGES documentation cleanup - fix "client" messages being sent only to final destination server - support SUBMITMODE as preferred variable for one-way client messages - LOGFETCHSKIPTEXT/LOGFETCHCURRENTTEXT supported via override env variables - LOGFETCHSCROLLBACK env variable now preferred over LOGFETCH_SCROLLBACK - fix logfetch not sending correct final snippet in low-maxbytes trigger situations - fix logfetch readline incorrect options on EL3/4 - allow "--debug=stderr" to be specified to logfetch to prevent contents from going into raw client message sent to xymon * Mon Mar 23 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.19-0.0.7614.26 - update to (latest branch version) - fix "client" messages being sent only to final destination server - support SUBMITMODE as preferred variable for one-way client messages - LOGFETCHSKIPTEXT/LOGFETCHCURRENTTEXT supported via override env variables - LOGFETCHSCROLLBACK env variable now preferred over LOGFETCH_SCROLLBACK - fix glibc free oddness in logfetch - fix logfetch not sending correct final snippet in low-maxbytes trigger situations - fix logfetch readline incorrect options on EL3/4 - allow "--debug=stderr" to be specified to logfetch to prevent contents from going into raw client message sent to xymon * Sun Mar 22 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.19-0.0.7611.23 - update to (latest branch version) - fix debug filename in logfetch.c * Fri Mar 20 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.19-0.0.7601.20 - add acknowledgements.sh report (Thanks, Andy Smith) * Sun Mar 15 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.19-0.0.7601.19 - update to (latest branch version) (fixes pre-tag oddness in msgs/procs tests) - only run restorecon on initial installs to prevent huge /var/lib/xymon/ directories from getting forceably rescanned on package updates * Fri Mar 13 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.19-0.0.7597.17 - update to 7597 * Fri Feb 27 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.19-0.0.7591.15 - add TCPCHUNKSIZE control over max number of accept()s per loop - when c-ares is compiled/bundled in, ensure MIT added to License field - rpmlint: no man page for xymoncombine yet - filter CDATA in xymondboard * Thu Feb 26 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.19-0.0.7591.13 - update to 7591 - revert various find_xymon_rrd optimizations for debugging - ensure decompression buffers are properly null terminated * Tue Feb 24 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.19-0.0.7585.9 - update to 7585 - calloc mismatch and leak fix in xymonrrd.c - no point reloading protocols if we're not also reloading rrddefs - fix msglen_t missing in dietlibc build - add EXTIME= patch * Mon Feb 23 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.19-0.0.7583.8 - really fix the apache 2.4 stuff - add 'clientsubmit' support; like clientconfig, but the opposite - add 'xymondclientlog' alias for 'clientlog' query - minor changes to help text for xymoncombine - properly check for system lzo header files in test-lzo.c * Thu Feb 19 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.19-0.0.7582.7 - upstream apache 2.4 modifications as needed (Thanks, Jean-Pierre Pitout) - server-side support for "deltacount" line counting (xymond_client/rrd) - fix SELinux policy for rrdcached socket file writing - fix non-working rrdcached directory walking - reduce debugging verbosity in loadhosts - logfetch: fix unterminated string in curpos assembly - xymoncombine: add error output if given bogus initial args - xymonproxy: add 'arrival' time for incoming client messages - xymond_client: use xymomd/xymonproxy receipt time instead of current when calculating message clock drift - update to 7582 * Wed Feb 18 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.19-0.0.7575.3 - update to 7575 / branch packages (see upstream change notes) - package work removing upstreamed patches - update bundled minilzo to 2.09 - xymongrep: don't load from xymond unless asked - properly clean up when we cannot give a response to a message - add xymoncombine utility * Thu Feb 05 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-1 - updated to xymon 4.3.18 (final) - now the fun part begins - fix dietlibc building option on Fedora (will require zlib-static) - add generic shims to compression routines, enabling "none" and "lzo" - compression is still experimental - fix spurious trailing byte being posted to bfq - revert multipeer for locator services patch * Tue Feb 03 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18- - fix building on 4.3.18-0.9.8 - compression.o should be in comm libs, not standard xymon libs - fix client building in local mode, also experimental shared lib builds - add multibfq syntax support to xymond_client/rrd, xymonnet and xymonproxy - wrap lz4 and (full) lzo in #ifdef and remove hard BuildRequires - patch refactoring and cleanup - updated to 7492 * Sun Feb 01 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18- - proxy: only send "clientlog" and "hobbitd" messages to final server - updated README to note dual xymon/xymon-client package installs now recommended - don't double-restart xymonlaunch on upgrade if both packages are installed * Fri Jan 30 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18- - xymond and client support for multiple backfeed queues - xymon: add --bfq support and --bfq=# to specify BFQ number on submission - xymond: --bfq=# to specify BFQ numbers (0->#) - enable XYMON_SENDBFQ override for various tools - local clientlaunch.cfg optional in server package * Thu Jan 29 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18- - F18: don't bail in test-rrd.c due to -Wunused-variables * Wed Jan 28 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18- - performance improvements in channel posting - make "optional" include keyword actually work * Tue Jan 27 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18- - don't recompress any compressed messages at transport time - don't post to peers when we've filtered the message out - filterlater bug fix and other xymond_channel tuning - fix xymond_client --local mode seeing our submission as a dup message (Thanks, Guillaume Chane) * Mon Jan 26 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18- - fix --local client path (Thanks, Guillaume Chane) - fix dumb --multirun bug * Sat Jan 24 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18- - logfetch: fix off-by-one on CURRENT posting on otherwise-ignored line - logfetch: logs-were-rotated note should not be on stdout - xymond_alert: fix stale alerts not being purged from checkpoint file - xymond_channel: add metafilter, exfilter, and metaexfilter options - xymond_channel: fix improper case logic on "standard filter" (oops) - xymond_channel: add --multrun option for primitive load balancing - xymond_channel: (multilocal) multiple copies of same cmd can be run - sendmsg: fix memory leak with compression buffer * Thu Jan 22 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18- - logfetch/client-local: client support for "deltacount" syntax - logfetch: accept --debug= syntax - xymon: accept --compress= syntax (only zlib supported) - xymondigest: enable use of SHA-256/512/224/384 as digest formats - xymond_client: reduce overly-verbose debugging in client message handling - xymond_client: prepend flagged log lines with "TEXT=" string if any - xymond_client: send modify messages subsequent to 'msgs' generation * Tue Jan 20 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18- - zlib, lzo, and lz4-devel packages now BuildRequires (EPEL for lz4) - various compression fixes, and add xxhash hashing bits - performance optimizations - slight refactor of comboflush trunk/branch patches - increase max buffer to 64MB, max message to 32MB, and begin to distinguish the two - logfetch: add "current line" marker in msgs output (Thanks, Franco Gasperino) - LOGFETCH_SCROLLBACK can be set to configure how many runs back logfetch should begin parsing data (max/default = 6) - update sqlite to 3080801 - flag version to match full RPM release string + 'terabithia' for tracking * Mon Jan 19 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18- - more compression support (experimental!) - xymon: add --compress option (other binaries use XYMON_COMPRESS from env) - added various routines for buffer/binary safe message transport - add minilzo object - prevent prematurely Terminated vmstat processes from giving invalid RRD data - initscript: rely on rh_status when determining if we're already running and ignore lock files if "subsys is dead" - update sqlite to 3080800 - btree fixes * Mon Jan 12 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18- - backport compression routines from trunk 7491 - modify compression library routines for 64bit (int -> size_t) - disable dietlibc building on Fedora * Fri Jan 09 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18- - revert posix btree usage on 4.x - logfetch: properly count valid ignore/trigger regex's only - fix an F21 warning * Thu Jan 08 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18- - logfetch: deal with nulls in log files (Thanks, Franco Gasperino) - logfetch: handle multiple triggers in low maxbytes situations properly (Thanks, Franco Gasperino) * Mon Jan 05 2015 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.9.7 - fix crash with AAAA records in xymonnet (Thanks, Mark Felder) * Mon Dec 22 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18- - additional debugging in logfetch * Wed Dec 10 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18- - minor fixes for f20 builds * Tue Dec 09 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.9.6 - use maxbfqsize as the default buffer size when building extcombo msgs - xymon 4.x: include backport compression.c/.h from trunk - allow >4MB extcombo offsets - add xxHash/minilzo tarballs to SRPM - update sqlite to 3080704 * Thu Nov 06 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.9.4 - xymonnet: when 'headermatch' specified, match even when HTTP body is null - posix: perform manual tree deletions for hostlist - remove various debug lines - rrd tree leak * Fri Oct 17 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.9 - hostlist / btree / posix leaks and null checks - type fixes to posix btree tdestroy patch - build on RHEL6.6 - patch tweaks for trunk builds * Wed Oct 08 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.8 - add debug option to logfetch, xymongrep - add comma-separated XYMON(EX)NETWORK support to xymongrep - fix flipped logic in envexport.patch - fix memory leak with POSIX btrees enabled (glibc req.) * Thu Oct 02 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.5 - ensure cgiwrap receives the proper SELinux context - try to re-attach if BFQ goes away when sending * Mon Sep 29 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.2 - add new STRBUFSZ macro - add new copytobuffer() routine, safer strbuffergrow() - xymond_rrd: wait 10m before starting automatic/on-demand cache flushes - xymond_history: flush allevents file on idle - skip over "export " in environment files that are no longer processed via shell includes * Sun Sep 28 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.1 - update to 4.3.18 (7491) - remove upstreamed patches - add rrddefinitions.d and client-local.d directories - on upgrade add appropriate apache config option for cgiwrap * Fri Sep 26 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.0.7471.1 - update to 7471 - remove upstreamed patches - xymond_history: proper compilation options for pread(); add strings.h * Thu Sep 25 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.0.7464.36 - xymond: add "ip=" filter to xymond (XMH_IP internally) - xymond: add "histsync" command to force resync through stchg channel (uses xymondboard-style filters to select affected tests) - xymond_rrd: CACHESZ increased to 64 (= ~1 hr cache with default RPM params) - xymonlaunch: log to stderr when a task reaches max number of failures - xymond_history: --epochtimestamps option preferred over $EPOCHHIST to enable - xymond_history: rewrite save_statusevents handler for POSIX compliance - xymond_history: various other performance improvements * Mon Sep 22 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.0.7464.35 - xymonlaunch: reduce failure delay output to debug level - xymond/xymonproxy: leave IP:port command arguments as we found them - xymond_rrd: increase default CACHESZ from 12 to 23 - xymond_rrd: add --cachemultiplier option to decrease global flushing interval - xymond_rrd: properly wrap rrd_flushcached for rrdtool-1.4+ * Thu Sep 18 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.0.7464.33.1 - don't use POSIX btrees under dietlibc (not supported) - reduce bfq verbosity when debug enabled - xymonproxy: improve error checking with all TCP connection errors - xymonproxy: don't dump the full combo message when debugging enabled - xymonproxy: add conn id when --log-details enabled - xymonproxy: separate initial and incremental buffer size tunables - xymonproxy: handle SIGPIPE * Tue Sep 16 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.0.7464.31 - xymonlaunch: additional verbosity when starting and stopping changed tasks - xymonlaunch: fix FAILDELAY not working, and accept m/h/d - increase speed of channel posting * Mon Sep 15 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.0.7464.30 - xymond: add --reload-interval option (default: 300s) - xymond_alert: reload hosts regularly to pick up XMH_RAW and other modifications for alert scripts - xymond_alert: add --reload-interval option (default: 300s) - xymond_alert: add --loadhostsfromxymond option - xymond_alert: exit immediately if xymondboard unavailable to prevent false - check SENDHUP and DELAY for tasks.cfg alterations - xymonproxy: additional error checking around connection issues; more debugging * Wed Sep 10 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.0.7464.28 - add FAILDELAY option to xymonlaunch - use POSIX btree routines - xymonproxy: log error on EPIPE, but don't exit - fix wrong vmstat call on AIX (reported by Stef Coene) - xymond_rrd: do the right thing when rrdcached in use (inspired by Martin Sperl) - showgraph.cgi: respect rrdcached and try to flush any files seen * Wed Sep 03 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.0.7464.27 - xymond_alert: fix mis-parsing of (EX)DISPLAYGROUP= entries - don't create rrd sockets unless caching and writing to disk - add random splay to proxy bfq retries to prevent flooding - add debugging * Thu Aug 28 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.0.7464.25 - xymond: fix possible corrupted log record on droptest - xymond: separate scheduled tasks report with newlines - xymond_alert: send final recovery when dropping a host or service - xymoncmd: revert login shell patch - make shell only interactive - remove unneeded comparison in cronmin patch - more patch consolidation * Mon Aug 18 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.0.7464.23 - patch cleanups and refactoring - ensure updated versions of included libs always present in SRPM - client-local: Requires main client package in Pre - xymond_rrd: bail out sooner if --bfq given and not yet ready - xymoncmd: respect the SHELL environment variable (if set) - xymoncmd: when no cmd given, print note and make resulting shell a login sh - xymond_capture: determine channel from environment if possible - xymond_filestore: no default XYMOND_CHANNELNAME - xymond: fix FTBFS on rh7/ancient gcc * Fri Aug 15 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.0.7464.20 - xymonproxy: --extcombine and --no-extcombine opts available in --bfq mode - xymond_channel: fix completely broken safechannelexit patch - xymond_alert: on recovery set ACKCODE to "0" instead of empty string (restore previous behavior) - xymond_rrd: don't re-stat() or utimes() RRD files unless needed - xymond_rrd: move cacheflush and zombie wait() check out of critical loop - xymond_rrd: fix not re-executing external processor on SIGPIPE - xymond_rrd: ensure external processor stream is fully buffered (to force proc flush after each xymond message, set RRD_EXTPROC_DOFLUSH) - xymonnet: leave services db open for lookups * Mon Aug 11 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.0.7464.18.1 - track # of bfq recovered (retried successfully) messages in xymonproxy status - xymonclient (linux only): add 'f' option to ps list (ASCII art forest) - xymond_client: skip initial spaces/ascii when PCRE matching process names * Mon Aug 11 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.0.7464.18 - add parsing support for AAAA records in xymonnet (reported by Anthony Letchet) - xymon binary should expect a response to the 'proxyping' command - fix flipped logic on 'oldgcc' build conditional - fix sockets leaving garbage servers list on cleanup in xymonproxy - increase max sockets in xymonproxy to 4K, retry times from 4x10s to 5x12s * Sun Aug 10 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.0.7464.16 - fix missing xymonclient.cfg.d on server package - fix off-by-one error in logfetch poscount patch - xymoncmd: try uname() syscall before forking uname command - xymonproxy: fix bufp clearing and nextconntime not being set in P_CLEANUP - xymonproxy: add 'proxyping' command - svcstatus.cgi: set INFOQUICKLOAD to prevent full hosts.cfg load on info pages * Sat Aug 09 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.0.7464.15 - 4.3.18 branch now default - add xymonserver.cfg.d and xymonclient.cfg.d directories as config includes - exclude README and .rpmorig files from directory config scans - fix memory segfault in acknowledge.c (reported by Martin Lenko) - fix spurious warnings when xymond_filestore writing empty files - logfetch: increase max allowed buffer size from 100K to 10M - logfetch: (branch) de-hardcode position count - xymonproxy: retry posting to bfq when fails - handle cookies throughout as strings instead of numbers - reduce c-ares version requirement to 1.5.1 (SONAME.2) - EL5/6: use system c-ares-devel library instead of bundled one * Thu Jul 31 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.0.7464.12.1 - use client-built binaries in xymon-client packages to remove unneeded shared library requirements (non-trunk) - remove unused pthread linkage * Wed Jul 30 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.0.7464.11 - use more accurate cpu info from 'top' on Linux - add new xymon-static, xymon-devel, and xymon-libs packages - use build conditionals for a shared library * Tue Jul 29 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.0.7464.9.2 - only include xymon-snmpcollect when snmp is enabled - improve error message when building without selinux-policy RPM * Thu Jul 24 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.0.7464.9 - spec cleanup * Wed Jul 23 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.0.7464.8 - actually close the channel in client_channel to allow clients to stick around for a bit (eg, flushing caches) w/o still being attached - xymond_alert: fix 64bit cookie buffer overflow - xymond: don't try to pass down drops for null hostname records * Mon Jul 21 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.0.7464.6 - really don't build xymonping anymore - be a little more strict about checking return values - server RPM now explicitly lists libexec files to avoid bringing in xymon-tools utilities * Thu Jul 17 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.0.7464.4 - add documentation for xymondboard filter patches - add xymond-xboard-v2.1.diff * Thu Jul 17 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.0.7464.3 - update to 7464 (--uptime-status support) - add timestamp filters to xymondboard (lastchange,logtime,validtime,acktime,disabletime) - genericize the xymondboard msg filter to other include fields (ackmsg and dismsg) - fix the xymongen fix * Mon Jul 14 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.0.7463.8.1 - check for corrupted lines when xymongen is downloading the board - spec: optional nanomsg build requires libnanomsg * Thu Jul 10 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.0.7463.7 - add new xymon-tools RPM with standalone binaries generated at compile time - configure script cleanly exits if given unrecognized arguments (Ken Dreyer) - strfunc.c: check for memory allocation failures (Sean Clark) * Wed Jul 09 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.0.7463.6 - ensure rpmbuild-specified compile options are passed in to GCC - add -Werror=format-security to meet future Fedora requirements - xymond: ensure buffer sizes are size_t instead of unsigned ints * Fri Jun 27 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.0.7463.4 - XYMONNETWORK can now accept a list of networks (comma separated) - $XYMONEXNETWORKS -> $XYMONEXNETWORK to match above (rpm upgrade will handle) - max number of networks/excluded networks increased from 31 to 63 - note: xymongrep still not yet modified * Thu Jun 26 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.0.7463.3 - fix small memory leak when dropping host tests - update httpd legacy patch to remove unneeded escaping - xymond_rrd/EL6: built with 1.4.8-13 but should remain ABI compatible * Tue Jun 24 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.0.7463.2 - rebuilt on rhel7 (final) - add error check for bfq buffer size malloc fail - fix garbage modifiers left in the list - increase debugging around modifier calculations - xymonclient: only don't-exclude tmpfs, not devtmpfs * Fri Jun 20 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.0.7463.1.75 - xymonlaunch: don't run crondate tasks more than once the same minute (reported by Andy Smith) - update sqlite to 3080500 - xymond_alert: send recovery messages for stale alerts (again?) - xymond_alert: separate modifiers from the base status message for clarity - xymonnet: don't shortcircuit "ldap://" tests by assuming the test address has the same IP of the host itself * Tue Jun 10 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.0.7463.1.60 - xymonclient: don't exclude tmpfs partitions from disk space scanning * Fri Jun 06 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.0.7463.1.51 - xymonclient: return number of installed processing units (cores) - xymonlaunch: don't run crondate tasks more than once the same minute (reported by Andy Smith) - increase default xymon command timeout from 15s to 50s - xymond: bugfix hostfilter * Fri May 30 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.0.7463.1.5 - xymonnet: add httpclient(,only,svc) and dataonly= tests * Sun May 04 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.18-0.0.7463.1 - logfetch: fix ignorecount/triggercount mismatch - logfetch: fix wrong bytesread variable with small bufsz * Mon Apr 14 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.17-13.1 - update sqlite to 3080403 - fix errbuf not being printed in daemon status messages - add unconfined_execmem_t unix_dgram_socket sendto in SElinux for multigraphing * Thu Mar 27 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.17-12 - fix building on ancient PCRE; convert new functions to macros - xymonclient: fix hostname/ostype overrides in sysconfig - xymonclient: fix 'ps' line for old procps and ostype on EL3 - update sqlite to 3080402 * Mon Mar 24 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.17-11 - xymond_rrd: ensure templates are properly cached - xymonlaunch: small logging chances * Sun Mar 23 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.17-10 - valgrind: pedantic buffer freeing in xymond_channel - xymond: don't unlink an unconfigured pid file * Sat Mar 22 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.17-9 - xymond_rrd: when in --no-rrd mode don't try to create directories; send DS modifies before doing any file operations - fix some valgrind/compile warnings in 7461; resolve two leaks - add bundled() provides per Fedora guidelines for included sha2 lib from Olivier Gay - update Source URL for branch/trunk versions to actual SF tarball - on new installs, assume MACHINEDOTS set by xymoncmd environment * Fri Mar 21 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.17-8 - update to branch 7461 - even more documentation for patches - xymond_filestore: add auto-reading of channel if type not specified - sendmsg: try to re-sent messages in more cases of connection failure - svcstatus: print human readable connection error messages - xymond_channel: don't try to close the channel over and over * Sat Mar 15 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.17-7.1 - more documentation for patches - add XYMOND_CHANNELNAME env variable to xymond_channel's children * Thu Mar 13 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.17-7 - update sqlite to 3080401 - update clienthome patch - add documentation to several patches - xymond_channel: decrease usec wait timer from 50 to 25 - add /hobbit -> /xymon apache line as patch * Tue Mar 11 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.17-6.3 - update sqlite to 3080400 - add bundled() provides per Fedora guidelines for included libs and update License to include BSD-like (librmd, md5.c) - package a hosts.d breakout directory * Fri Mar 07 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.17-6.2 - modify package build defaults for rhel7 (beta) (+systemcares, -dietlibc, -altshell) - explicitly require net-tools package (netstat, ifconfig, etc) since it's no longer pulled in by initscripts * Thu Mar 06 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.17-6 - xymonlaunch: don't kill ourself while cleaning up - debug output speed optimizations - error/debug output now timestamped with microseconds * Mon Mar 03 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.17-5 - fix filter sending duplicate messages - clean up xymond_sample debug output; fix log rotation on startup * Sun Mar 02 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.17-4.5 - xymonlaunch: wait a few seconds before exiting when given TERM - xymond_channel: continue sending buffered messages to peers when given a TERM (though disconnecting from the channel asap) * Sun Mar 02 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.17-4.4 - xymond_channel: abort when the semaphore set goes away on us - dietlibc: only replace msglen_t in dietlibc build - not regular - try to organize/recombine myriad patch files - more spec file cleanup * Sat Mar 01 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.17-4.2 - xymond_channel: match special messages more quickly - xymond_channel: actually filter on the right persistent buffer - March is not April * Fri Feb 28 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.17-3 - sprintf->snprintf in 64bitcookie patch - xymond_channel: int -> size_t conversion - xymond_channel: add --filterlater option (speed up semops at the expense of memory allocation/deallocation) - xymond_channel: reduce timeout in write attempts to channel reader - xymond_channel: keep a constant message buffer size - xymond_channel: add multilocal patch - man page / documentation added for certain patches - spec file cleanup * Mon Feb 24 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.17-2.1 - fix wrong combo calculation in combo_addchar - increase compiled hard limit on xymonproxy sockets from 256 to 1024 - increase MAX_XYMON_INBUFSZ from 10MB to 16MB - XYMONPROXY_NOEXTCOMBINE environment variable, if set, causes msgs to be passed straight through when in --bfq mode * Sun Feb 23 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.17-1 - update to release 4.3.17 - move XYMONHOME/server symlink upgrade logic to RPM %%posttrans - consolidate important entries in the CHANGES.terabithia file - minor fixes for building on ancient gcc (2.96) with ancient sed * Fri Feb 21 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.17-0.0.7440.15 - don't expect a response when sending an actual schedule command - add one-way xymond checks for clientconfig and 'config hosts.cfg' commands - xymonproxy: use sendmessage_local when in bfq mode - xymonproxy: die if we get EPIPE writing to a socket - xymonproxy: log entire first line when logging - xymonproxy: bfq logic implemented for real * Fri Feb 21 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.17-0.0.7440.10 - client-static: (rpmlint) copy man pages, don't symlink - xymon: (rpmlint) un-config-mark the /static/ directory. (Note: to save customizations, copy /static/ and point the web root to an appropriate location) - do not use altshell (if configured) in non-linux xymonclient-*.sh scripts - ensure facl/logreader logic runs on server rpm - check in xymond whether we're in a one-way environment before attempting to respond (based on patch from Franco Gasperino) * Wed Feb 19 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.16-8 - updated to branch 7440 - change server root from /usr/share/xymon/server to /usr/share/xymon - removed some pre-2012 legacy upgrade code (mostly symlink moves) - update dietlibc build in EL5/6 to 0.33-0.1904.20120825 - warn when using --local mode and xymon-client-local not installed - fix compile warning about uninitialized variable in xymonproxy - fix xymond (stdout) logs not rotating when using LOGFILE in tasks.cfg instead of passing in a --log filename (thanks Franco Gasperino) * Thu Feb 13 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.16-4 - gcc: fix some compiler warnings on EL4 * Thu Feb 13 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.16-3 - updated to branch 7436 - upstreamed safexargs patch removed in branch builds - auto-disable SELinux/snmp before EL5 * Mon Feb 10 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.16-2 - updated to branch 7430 - add xymon-client-local subpackage, including xymond_client and localclient.cfg, to allow the --local option in xymon-client - localclient.cfg itself removed from the xymon-client package - use $SHELL when passing to nohup in client * Mon Feb 10 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.16-1.5 - updated to branch 7430 - Static CSS and GIF content marked config(noreplace) to preserve edits - dietlibc+facl enabled (by default) only RHEL6+/Fedora - update sqlite to 3080301 + only include in trunk builds - GIF docs moved to docdir, fix file typo - exclude patch debris from static web directories - remove upstreamed trunk patches - remove initscript munge-ing during Makefile - update installstaticwww patch - update c-ares patch for trunk - add raw msg= filter option * Sun Feb 09 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.16-1.1 - fix systemcares logic on Fedora * Sun Feb 09 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.16-1 - update to release 4.3.16 - dietlibc build (static client RPMs) fixed and re-enabled - client-static RPM no longer requires client-core * Fri Feb 07 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.16-0.0.7391 - update sqlite to 3080300 - update branch - debugging code - spec cleanups * Mon Feb 03 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.15-3 - bump package version - RPM Requires: fix cares-devel -> c-ares-devel - fix headermatch crash - always label /var/run/xymon/ for selinux even when actually /run/xymon/ * Sun Feb 02 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.15-0.1 - update to 4.3.15 release * Mon Jan 27 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.14-0.1 - update to 4.3.14 release (branch) - use system c-ares-devel library on F19 and newer (>1.10.0) * Tue Jan 21 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.13-4 - update to trunk/branch 7361 * Mon Jan 20 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.13-3 - update to trunk/branch 7358 * Fri Jan 17 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.13-2 - add tmpfiles.d configs on systemd builds for /var/run/ - xymonproxy: add debug lines - xymonproxy: bfq experimental fixes * Mon Jan 13 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.13-1.1 - rpmlint warning on client init script - fix incorrect _selinux_policy_version Require - client: client.d now marked as config(noreplace) - remove some legacy upgrade logic * Thu Jan 09 2014 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.13-1 - update to release 4.3.13 - rpmlint: remove .orig file from /docs/ - selinux: fix RPM macros for F20 - systemd: add 'preset' file so service aliases work - initscript: client now matches server script - add makefile xargs patch - remove upstreamed patches: xymon.rrd_pipe.patch xymon.4313-tlsv1.patch * Tue Dec 17 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.13-0.7316.27.1 - eliminate one compiler warning in gcc 4.8 * Mon Dec 16 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.13-0.7316.27 - xymonproxy.c: --bfq fixes - xymon.c: print warning when assuming localhost recipient - systemd: xymon.service -> xymonlaunch.service - systemd/sysv: configure xymonlaunch log file dest in /etc/sysconfig/xymonlaunch - sysv: use xymoncmd here too - rpmlint: re-ghost xymonpasswd file on new install - logreader group: if enabled, append supplementary group (don't replace) - less verbose hostinfo debugging * Tue Dec 10 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.13-0.7316.25 - enable SENDHUP for xymond/xymonproxy in tasks.cfg for logrotation (F18+) - use apache 2.4-compatible snippets in 2.4 systems (F18+) - experimental --bfq option to xymonproxy - add docs for various patches: modify-valid, SENDHUP - bump sqlite to 3.8.2 - fix the 'stale' alert patch (maybe?) - add TLSv1 patch * Thu Dec 05 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.13-0.7316.24 - add XYMONEXNETWORKS support to exclude NET: tags from xymonnet - xymond_rrd: don't die from SIGPIPE when an external processor goes away * Wed Nov 27 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.13-0.7316.21.1 - really fix the systemd service unit file * Wed Nov 27 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.13-0.7316.21 - xymonlaunch: log file now set in /etc/sysconfig/xymon* instead of the init script itself. SysV systems have default set in init.d, systemd systems have no default and will go to syslog. - support proper systemd install/upgrade scriptlets - fix some f19 compile warnings * Wed Nov 27 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.13-0.7316.19.8 - xymond_alert: send "recovery" message out for stale alerts before dropping - tag error messages from xymonlaunch/xymond_channel in worker logs - reduce debug verbosity in hostinfo - include sample xymoncgimsg apache config snippet - include xymon.service file for systemd (F18+) - remove "ghost" from xymonpasswd file to ensure httpd works on install * Tue Nov 26 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.13-0.7316.19.6 - update to trunk 7316 (image type) - fix to xymonrrd.c in 7316 preventing compile - fix multiple modifiers from xymond_rrd overwriting each other - increase STATUSMODE sleep to 4s * Thu Nov 21 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.13-0.7314.19.5 - rebuild on RHEL 6.5 (rebased openssl pkg) * Wed Nov 20 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.13-0.7314.19.4 - can specify number of subsequent status messages a modify state can override - accept large cookies on 64bit systems - xymond: log when closing connection due to timeout * Mon Nov 18 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.13-0.7314.19.3 - xymond_alert: bail out if can't connect to xymond to compare checkpoint - xymonproxy: increase max number of servers to 5 - xymonnet: add debug output to dependency processing - add 1s sleep when STATUSMODE set to prevent submission race condition - restore some ancient RPM changelog history - update sqlite to 3080100 * Mon Oct 14 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.13-0.7314.19 - log, but not a xymonnet err, when host lookup failures occur * Wed Oct 09 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.13-0.7314.18 - change content-type of HTTP response to text/plain - prevent HTTP 500 errors when given blank submission - add feature docs to sysconfig/xymon-client - minor tuning in clientconfig retrieval * Wed Oct 02 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.13-0.7314.17 - add HWPREDICT to default rrddefinitions.cfg - xymond_rrd: bail if rrddefinitions.cfg has no default stanza - client: when STATUSMODE enabled, fork individual xymon commands to each destination in $XYMSERVERS * Thu Sep 26 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.13-0.7314.16 - modify internal timeout flag value to allow for timeouts of 0 - $XYMON_RETRIES environment variable used (default: 2) - client: $XYMCONFIGSRV support when STATUSMODE is on * Wed Sep 25 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.13-0.7314.15 - add systemd support to .spec file (F18+) - fix wrong result in sendmsg for halfway open connections - NOTE: if using bfq submission, use /usr/libexec/xymon/xymon on server * Thu Sep 19 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.12-14 - honor maxmsgspercombo even when using bfq - banner bug fixes in xymonnet * Wed Sep 18 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.12-13.4.5 - ensure 64bit safe strbuffers now that we're using larger extcombos * Wed Sep 18 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.12-13.4.3 - fix: check for allocation failure in dupstrbuffer - debug extcombo size flushing * Wed Sep 18 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.12-13.3 - fix some compile warnings on F19 - init: we don't actually need xymonlaunch to make a pid file - add --bfq/--no-bfq support to xymond_client / xymond_rrd / xymonnet * Wed Sep 11 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.12-13 - shm msg queue key can be 0 * Sat Sep 07 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.12-12.4 - faster debug print short circuit - add ipcs info to client report - report errors in bfq id generation - bfq size/allocation debugging - xymond.c: increase bf_bufsz to a size_t here too * Wed Sep 04 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.12-12.1 - update trunk to 7312 - use memmove instead of memcpy now that we're actually using large buffers in combo_add * Tue Sep 03 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.12-12 - update trunk to 7310 - update sqlite to 3080002 * Sat Aug 31 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.12-11.2 - 4.3.x: add missing modify and hostinfo to xymond_stats - distinguish message timeouts from bogus/unknown commands in xymond_stats - specify relevant channel id on certain xymond errors * Thu Aug 29 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.12-11 - trunk: update sqlite ver to 3080001 * Wed Aug 28 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.12-10.2 - add XYMONRUNDIR to environ.c - fix moarextcombo bug in rrd - trunk: bump included sqlite ver to 3080000 * Mon Aug 26 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.12-10 - bump to 7306 - upstream bfq patches / split moarcombo for rrd * Sat Aug 24 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.12-9 - bump to 7301 - remove 2 upstreamed patches - reduce default bfqchunk size to 50; make environment tuneable - don't include /etc/sysconfig/xymon-client in xymonserver.cfg * Tue Aug 20 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.12-8.1 - use proper max_backfeedsz - reduce default tcpcheckinterval to 1s * Tue Aug 20 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.12-8 - bump trunk/branch release number - fixes in clientparse / combo_addchar / tcpcheckinterval patches - query XYMONDTCPINTERVAL env variable for tcpcheckinterval - propagate errors from xymon back to xymonlaunch in logfetchupdate * Mon Aug 19 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.12-7 - try to cope with malformed status/client messages more - re-add client sempahore proceed anyway patch - increase bf_bufsz to size_t (msglen_t fix) * Mon Aug 19 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.12-6 - update trunk to 7295 - extend client "status" message syntax to include ostype/class - add STATUSMODE to xymonclient.sh and add logfetchupdate scripts - make location of modify override line display consistent * Sat Aug 17 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.12-3.9.1 - fix do_rrd reporting * Fri Aug 16 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.12-3.9 - update trunk to 7283 - use bfq in xymonnet's report column - use bfg and extcombo messages in do_rrd.c - respect XYMON_TIMEOUT across the board in sendmsg.c for reals - fix double-init of hostinfo in xymond_rrd.c * Wed Aug 14 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.12-3.7 - update trunk to 7280 - update trunk combodata and clientconfig patches to match - don't use msglen_t in 4.3.13+, since it doesn't exist in dietlibc * Tue Aug 06 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.12-3.5 - trunk/branch update to 7255 - fix "client " pseudo-status client messages creating fake test recs * Sun Aug 04 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.12-3.1 - shorten semaphore alarms to 1s on both channels and workers - branch fixes to xymond_client combo calls * Wed Jul 31 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.12-3 - trunk update to 7250 - branch rpm update to 4.3.13 (7250) - fix: dual log rotation when HUP given - xymond: don't attempt to continue if shm already taken - split xymonproxytune, xymondlogging into two patches - major .spec file work * Fri Jul 26 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.12-2 - cleaned up RPM readme and changes files slightly - xymond_client.c: don't wait forever to flush combo when timeout not given - fix segfault in malformed client messages masq. as status messages - add clientconfig support to xymon.c * Fri Jul 26 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.12-1 - properly count combodata messages - clientconfig command * Thu Jul 25 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.12-0.5 - properly count combodata messages * Thu Jul 25 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.12-0.2 - updated to version 4.3.12 - heavier debugging in loadhosts.c:hostinfo and xymond_client.c - sendmsg: combodata support - sendmsg: honor $XYMON_TIMEOUT if in environment - xymond: fix combodata patch - xymond_client: combine data messages together as "combodata" - remove the following upstreamed/mooted patches: - xymon.msgtimeout.patch - xymon.nokilllocchildren.patch - xymon.sco_sv.patch - xymon.loadhosts_vpage.patch - xymon.missingdropchns.patch - xymon.linux-ifconfig-stderr.patch - xymon.freebsd-clockstr.patch - xymon.psalign.patch - xymon.ipad.patch - xymon.lqueue.patch - xymon.rrdclearok.patch - xymon.contest_errors.patch - xymon.croninterval.patch - xymon.rrdnospace_take2.patch - xymon.sendmsgdbg.patch - xymongen-4311.diff - xymon_trunk.reportline.patch - xymon_trunk.eolchar.patch - xymon.snmp-compile-warns.patch - xymon.norrd.patch - xymon.shell.patch - xymon.generic_client.patch - xymon.cmdnl.patch - xymon.loadhosts-lgbuf.patch - xymon.includetabsok.patch - xymon.cmdhostname.patch - xymon.channelfilterenv.patch * Tue Jul 23 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.11-12 - xymon.c: honor $XYMON_TIMEOUT if in environment and timeout not specified - even more debugging code in xymond_client - experimental combodata, hostsnap, senderstats commands - Fedora: re-enable hardened build * Sat Jul 20 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.11-11 - run local client on server by including clientlaunch.cfg on new installs - split xymon.resetfails.patch into two patches - add DELAY (after NEEDS launched) and SENDHUP options to tasks.cfg syntax - add (existing) vmstat1-5 graphs into the trends page * Sat Jul 20 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.11-10.4.5 - check for attempts to drop dirs up a path - xymond_client: add --flushtimeout option to delay combo msg sends - xymond_client: load hostinfo (if needed) before getting the next message - client/linux.c: more debug lines - weekly logrotate.conf snippet - remove getenv from xymonproxy which can segfault under high load when multithreaded and stack enforcement is on - disable hardened build (performance) * Wed Jul 17 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.11-10.4.1 - actually apply the psalign patch - fix CSS to work with iPad hover tags - add --lqueue option to xymond - xymond_rrd: swap blue and clear logic; parse clear, ignore blue - xymond_rrd: load host config prior to connecting socket - Remove netstat pid patch (unprivileged users don't get useful info) * Mon Jul 08 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.11-10.2 - Fix broken clock test in freebsd (reported by Eddie Stassen) - Fix some incorrect DoWs in the changelog - Fix gcc 4.8 and dietlibc warnings - Fix rcsid warning in xymon-snmpcollect.c - Fix warning in filtering patch - Move some stuff around in the .spec file - trunk: Forward port timefunc.null * Fri Jun 14 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.11-10.1 - fix 5m -> 100s update in clientlaunch.cfg, which broke at some point * Tue Jun 11 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.11-10 - fix generic client patch to not leave 0-byte file in src - send ifconfig stderr to /dev/null on linux (need to move stats to ip) - add vmstat -s section on Linux client - fix missing cast in epoch_hist patch - minor patch cleanup * Mon Jun 10 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.11-9.1 - add /proc/meminfo section on Linux client - fix improper var init in msgtimeout.patch * Sat Jun 08 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.11-9 - send drop/rename commands to clichg/user channels - add noprefer hosts.cfg directive * Tue May 28 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.11-8.1 - add xymon.psalign.patch (orig by Christoph Schug, pointed out by Jeremy Laidman) * Thu May 23 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.11-8 - update sqlite in trunk to 3.7.17 * Mon May 20 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.11-7.1 - fix availabiity logs link in uptime reports when using epochhist * Sat May 18 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.11-7 - backport xymon.downtimecolor.patch - update c-ares version to 1.10.0 (trunk and release) and deal with the CFLAGS/CPPFLAGS mess - add xymon.loaddatanull.patch - back out stachg histsync patch - restore localclient.cfg and xymongrep into client package * Thu May 09 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.11-6 - don't flood xymond_history on restart unless a status is different - check for debug status before calling dbgprintf in a few more places - increase the length of time xymond will keep around "stale" client sub-messages to match the default purple expire time - add debug code in find_cookie - add missing newline in clientcountwarn patch - increase xymond starting and incremental buffer size from 128/32 to 256/256 * Mon May 06 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.11-5.1 - really fix the vpage/vsubpage/vsubparent parsing * Fri May 03 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.11-5 - backport memory size overflow on SCO OS with large amounts of ram - fix vertical page/parent/subparent path and title storage - refer to msgs test as "Log files" rather than "System logs" - fix xymond_channel filter flag not being set - add --delay option for xymond_channel between initial fork of child process and registering via IPC with xymond - restore xymoncfg to client rpms * Mon Apr 29 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.11-4 - start xymond_channel worker process before registering with IPC - fix bug where running daemons in --locator mode could accidentally take down xymonlaunch - add --unknownclientosok option to xymond_client - add --msgtimeout option to xymond_channel - actually include the static www apache snippet change - init files now use xymonlaunch as the name for subsys locking - revert to file when the HOSTSCFG variable actually matches - background the final cache flush when xymond_rrd is closing out - don't complain about message sequence gaps when xymond_channel is known to be filtering messages before we get them * Mon Apr 22 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.11-1 - ensure static www directory is set readable in apache snippet - fully support reading hist files regardless of EPOCHHIST - selinux fixes for fedora 18 - remove patches upstreamed in trunk 7194 - add xymongen-4311.diff * Sun Apr 21 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.11-0.2 - update to 4.3.11 - remove various backported patches - fix dietlibc warning in build/test-endianness - spec file cleanups * Sat Apr 20 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.10-9.4.1 - hide stderr in upgrade scriptlet - use upstream loadhosts-prefer-speedup.diff * Thu Apr 18 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.10-9.4 - backport 5 fixes from 4.3.11 - tab whitespace accepted after include and directory lines in configs - xymoncmd checks and uses HOSTNAME if set before forking uname -n - fix some dietlibc warnings (mainly spurious fflushes) - add strncasecmp to functs checked for strings.h add in dietlibc - move checkpoint files to the proper location during upgrades - wrap epoch history filenames in EPOCHHIST var * Tue Apr 16 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.10-9.3 - move checkpoint files to non-rundir storage (thanks Tom Diehl) - move client logfetch .status files to logfile storage - add pids to netstat output on linux clients - set PREFEREARLIER env var to ignore 'prefer' tags reading hosts.cfg - set HTTPRRDCOLNAME to force xymonnet to write http URLs with custom column names to rrd files under those names instead (use if you suspect you'll be changing URLs but want to keep the data sets the same) * Mon Apr 15 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.10-9.2.4 - fix improper initscript 'status' exit code when xymonlaunch not running (thanks Scott Stone) - update sqlite in trunk to - xymongen: ignore 'prefer' tag in hosts.cfg -- assume earlier lines are more preferred -- to prevent linear scans of host tree - increase status report ttl for xymond/xymonproxy from 6 to 11m * Sat Mar 23 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.10-9.2.1 - strip trailing newlines from SERVEROSTYPE/CONFIGCLASS if not set - add timing code to loadhosts.c for debugging - xymongen: don't go yellow if runtime was longer than a non-existant interval (eg, via crondate) - don't make flap detection trigger a yellow color for the xymond test * Tue Feb 19 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.10-9 - add generic client tester for files/logs/msgs monitoring * Thu Feb 14 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.10-8.5 - rotate logs via xymonlaunch HUP - change logrotate from weekly to daily - fix the do_rrd.c fix - xymond: don't send @@logrotate on HUP * Fri Feb 01 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.10-8 - updated fix for tree crash - fix segfault in do_rrd.c (reported by Nicolas LOYAU) - fix missing rundir definition in xymonclient.cfg - fix warnings in timefunc.c on F18 - pay attention to xymonlaunch log file env variable in xymond_sample - wait longer after starting a dependency before starting tasks that list them as 'needs' in tasks.cfg - xymonproxy line1 format now matches xymond - add 6m ttl for xymonproxy/xymond status tests - client init script now runs xymonlaunch from /usr/sbin - slightly more efficient shell/forking in lib/run.c - remove Provides: xymon-client from xymon, to prevent server-side being pulled in accidentally by client-requesting packages - don't fall back to loading from the local hosts.cfg if told to get it from xymond and xymond fails -- just quit - abort xymonnet if hostlist is empty * Tue Jan 29 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.10-6.5.2 - fix off-by-1s error when performing checks for expired tests - fix typo in sendmsg.c (non-trunk) - xymond: more verbose logging - dbgprintf optimization * Mon Jan 28 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.10-6.5 - xymond: if shm already found, warn instead of dying - logprintf function (+timestamp to stdout) added to errprint.c - clarify that ghosts/multi-src reports are only of those within the last 10m - more verbose xymond logging when in non-debug mode - xymond_channel: pass HUP to children on receipt - xymond_channel: pass logfn to children from xymonlaunch * Fri Jan 25 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.10-6.3 - attempt at null key fix in lib/tree.c - get default port for 'bb' in /etc/services also (non trunk) * Tue Jan 22 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.10-6.2 - more systemd logic prep in spec file - move symlnks for xymonlaunch and xymond to /usr/sbin/ - respect SHELL when launching external programs * Thu Jan 17 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.10-6 - fix incorrect log time epoch conv shown in historical status pages - xymond: send cached copies of hosts.cfg until our next reload (should improve performance when using many procs loading configs over net simultaneously) - add standard line1 header for xymond/xymonnet/xymongen reports - add missing space back to http column name statuses - add --no-cookies and --no-save-cookies options to xymonnet - http tests that have a given column name for (e.g.) content tests now are named after that column at rrd time (instead of using the full URL). YOU WILL NEED TO RENAME YOUR RRD FILES BY HAND FOR ANY TEST USING THIS FEATURE AFTER UPGRADING TO KEEP/MERGE TCP HISTORY. * Fri Jan 11 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.10-5 - revert defaultchk patch, more complex than thought - add strfunc_null patch from Tom Schmidt * Fri Jan 11 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.10-4 - add runtime opt var for xymonlaunch to /etc/sysconfig/xymon-client - fix incorrect log time epoch conv shown in historical status pages - really fix the silly segfault in defaultchk patch * Thu Jan 10 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.10-3 - dietlibc builds create a parallel client-static RPM - /usr/bin/xymonlaunch link was not included in client RPMs - zero-pad xymon2.rrd data output (already in trunk) * Thu Jan 03 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.10-2.1 - add --no-rrd option for xymond_rrd * Thu Jan 03 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.10-2 - don't leave patch debris in the /docs/ directory - check default locations for checkpoint files (xymond/xymond_alert) * Wed Jan 02 2013 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.10-1.71 - daemons don't write pid files out on their own unless specified - set high timeout value when issuing a 'xymon crashed' alert to give xymonlaunch a chance to start xymond back up to receive it. - updated README.terabithia and CHANGES.terabithia * Mon Dec 31 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.10-1.70 - xymonlaunch: handle more logging directly in default config - xymonlaunch: search more locations for default config - xymonlaunch: support PIDFILE lines in tasks.cfg - xymonlaunch: after 10m, no longer delay by 10m if a proc has exited non-zero > MAX_FAIL times since our launch - xymonnet: don't go yellow if runtime was longer than a non-existant interval (eg, via crondate) - spec: add ghost entry for /etc/snmphosts.cfg - fix: some compiler warnings in xymon-snmpcollect - apply alertcount and rootfs fixes from 4.3.11 - update non-trunk c-ares to 1.9.1 * Tue Dec 23 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.10-1.5 - more verbose xymonnet logs when weird connection test errors occur - accept (and write out) epoch TIMEBUFs when selecting history logs - append protocols.d lookup to correct protocols file * Fri Nov 16 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.10-1.1 - binaries were still reporting as 4.3.9 * Mon Aug 06 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.10-1 - update to 4.3.10 release - removed eight upstreamed patches, updated rundir patch - note: trunk builds for EL4/EL5 are likely to be unstable due to sqlite error handling * Tue Jul 31 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.9-4 - fix: gcc warning in xymond_filestore mkdir patch - fix: ifstat not working for F17 (ifstat patch for F17 from John Horne) - use /sbin/service in logrotate script and redirect output to null (thanks Mike Grozak) * Mon Jul 30 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.9-3.1 - final EL5 SELinux fixes (hopefully!) * Mon Jul 30 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.9-3 - use upstreamed version of showgraph null tmpdir patch - SEL: EL5 fix: use httpd_cache_t type for /var/cache/xymon/ - SEL: add var_lib_t to allowed fping output files type - SEL: fix tmp_t permission on /var/lib/xymon/tmp not being removed - EL5 x86_64 built on RHEL * Fri Jul 27 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.9-2 - fix: don't segfault when tmpdir (rundir) is not accessible by showgraph.cgi - fix: allow compile trunk w/ ssl disabled - fix: blank XYMONSERVERHOSTNAME value on new server installs - fix: use list_dir_perms in SELinux for EL5 - fix: don't build EL4 with SELinux - roll back scope of lber-redux patch - add contest_oldopenssl, osslinc, notshellscript, and xymoncfg from 4.3.10 branch - require the httpd path rather than the package name (for 7.3) * Wed Jul 25 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.9-1 - update to 4.3.9 - fix wrong client homedir set on new installs (thanks Colin Coe) - fix semanage not listed as a Require, leading to files with incorrect SELinux contexts if policyutils-python wasn't installed - don't pre-package client's $XYMONHOME/local directory as /usr/local/share/xymon-client (cf: RHBA-2012:0843-1, BZ#732799) - remove version >= 3 requirement for fping - add x509_name patch for building on ancient openssl - add lber-redux and usrlibs patches for building on el3 - fix pre scriptlet failing with empty if statement - extraordinarily old versions of sed can't in-place edit, and we're already using perl elsewhere, so just use perl... - remove upstreamed patches: - .xymsrvoops - .combostatus - now rpmlint error free! * Tue Jul 17 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.8-0.56 - add xymon.combostatus.patch - upstreamed FPING xymonserver.cfg build patch - move usr-ldap patch from trunk to 4.3.x * Mon Jul 16 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.8-0.5 - TEST update release version to 4.3.8, trunk to 7090 - don't chgrp /var/log/messages if --without logreader - rhel3 support: add --with facl build conditional - remove largemem patch (only affects new installs) - remove the following upstreamed patches: - .sha2 - .nl - .gcc296 - .dispinclude - .xymservers - .crondate - .rrdnospace - .closefh - .string - .hostsvcinfolinks - .badhttpnl - .rrd-sprintf - .rrdprocessortabs - .enableinode - .inode - .maxmsg - .clearok - .normstatlines - .refreshonerr - .usermsg - .adminconfig - .stderrcgi - .workerlocatorseq - .clientbuild (trunk) * Mon Jul 09 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.7-26.85 - update trunk to 7018 * Thu Jun 21 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.7-26.81 - add 'source' and '.' as aliases for 'include' in env config files for increased shell compatibility (systemd unit files) * Mon Jun 11 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.7-26.1 - fix buffer overflows in rrd processing - patch updates for trunk - add 'rotate' option to client init script (thanks Mike Grozak) and more init script LSB compliance * Wed May 23 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.7-25 - quiet install if xymonserver.cfg doesn't already exist - single source rpm now contains both trunk and non-trunk patch files - trunk: gcc 4.7 (F17) compatibility for DSO link changes - trunk: client now requires zlib and openssl for building - trunk: ensure configure.client build brings in zlib/ssl - trunk: dietlibc disabled (static build errors, see BZ 807050) - rpmlint: add bb and bbcmd man pages as symlinks * Mon May 14 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.7-24.2 - print warnings from verify script properly - print to correct filehandle when CGI freopen() fails - pathname rewrite for FHS compat - fix: message seq numbers not incrementing when locator svc used - remove --no-cache from xymond_rrd * Sat May 12 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.7-24 - selinux/rpmlint: loosen permissions on /var/cache/xymon - selinux/rpmlint: use rundir for rrdctl sockets - selinux: restrict httpd access to /var/lib/xymon/tmp - rpmlint: remove unneeded dangling /tmp symlinks - fix segfault when failing to open cgierror.err - unless XYMONCGILOGDIR set, send CGI errors to stderr - adminsenders allowed to download configs (xymond_client needs it) * Sat May 12 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.7-23.8 - mark html man pages as documentation - remove duplicate specification of logdir in server package - create rundir in init scripts if missing * Mon May 07 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.7-23 - CGI-generated files (/rep and /snap) moved to /var/cache/xymon for better SELinux control and fewer rpmlint warnings - /web templates moved to /etc/xymon/web for the same reason - hosts.cfg man page updated - 'store' tag in hosts.cfg converted to 'data' and 'datasvc' tags - cannot be applied to trunk * Sun May 06 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.7-22 - reworked recipient patch - fix duplicate messages sent to localhost by xymond_client - web templates now marked as config so local changes don't get overwritten - server package no longer modifies permissions on /var/log/messages automatically. (client package is unchanged) * Wed May 02 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.7-21.1.1 - strip '\r\n' from bad HTTP error messages instead of '\n' - update some patches for recent trunks - xymon can read a message from XYMMSG for use when Bernstein chaining * Mon Apr 30 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.7-21 - facls aren't handled by logrotate properly thanks to BZ#666677, 683622, and 683626; use supplemental adm group for xymon client - restorecon was not being run on updates, leading to incorrect selinux lables on some files - update xymon.1 manpage for norecip patch - updated README.redhat - spec file cleanup * Fri Apr 27 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.7-20 - remove xymonping in favor of fping3 - add fping to SELinux policy - use comprehensive staticwww patch - no pthreads for client with dietlibc - missing description for client-orca package * Fri Apr 27 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.7-19 - fix missing user channel stats to xymond report - fix 'notes' messages mishandled in xymond_filestore - fix 'trends' svc refresh loop when using locator service - fix rpmlint/selinux: move apache-writable critical.cfg to xymonvar - tmpfs: move 'notes' and periodic html reports from www to xymonvar - tmpfs: recreate missing subdirs in www and xymonvar - tmpfs: specify location of 'help' for xymongen - add autorefresh to html error pages - add verifyscript to check xymon facl/read privs on /var/log/messages * Wed Apr 25 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.7-18 - compile with -pthread (instead of D_REENTRANT) - trunk: require fping >= 3.0 and remove tarballed version - trunk: annotate patch sources - remove public domain xymon-rclient scripts - move ocraxymon to optional sub-package * Fri Apr 20 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.7-17.3 - correct xymonlaunch.pid location on server - clear client reports (eg, when no defined procs tests) should be 'ok' - files/msgs test status lines made like others * Thu Apr 19 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.7-17.1 - remove lsb from Requires - really fix client SELinux policy * Wed Apr 18 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.7-16 - patch filename cleanup - respect all vendor/rpm cflags - all config files marked noreplace - dietlibc client binary building now works - server-side client can run when xymond is off in tasks * Mon Apr 09 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.7-15 - on new server installs, configure client for reporting to localhost - include selinux policy files for client and server - add selinux context to histlogs directory - fix crash with blank storehttpdata col name - remove sgid logfetch in favor of facls * Thu Apr 05 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.7-14 - add storehttpdata patch to allow http test data to be saved - tweak vmstat launch line in client to pipe commands to sh - merge some spec formating changes from trunk - add selinux policy from Viliam Pucik - use facls for syslog permissions instead of a sgid logfetch * Fri Feb 24 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.7-13 - add httpheaders patch * Wed Jan 25 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.7-12.3 - add xymond-download-closefilehandle.patch - fix crondate parsing - fix rrd spacing - cleaner vmstat invocation - update patch references * Wed Jan 18 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.7-11.1 - more missing newlines in errprintf statements caught - move automated reports from cron to xymonlaunch control - remove Requires for crontabs - inode 'section' client patched into client script - sar 'section' client removed - all configs now marked noreplace - note: crondate parsing appears broken * Sat Jan 14 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.7-9 - include task file for xymon-rclient * Fri Jan 13 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.7-8 - patch for two more compile errors on gcc-2.96-113 (RedHat 7.3) - assume recipients are in the env if not declared on command line - keep all xymonclient-*.sh scripts on server - package xymon-rclient on server * Thu Jan 12 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.7-7.1 - remove unusued localclient.cfg from --local server invocations - xymongen was not following dispinclude lines properly - xymond wasn't following net/disp includes - disable rrd caching by default -- still not working - enable inode section checking on linux * Mon Jan 09 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.7-6.2 - ensure client symlinks are handled properly during upgrades - add breakout directories for alerts.d and analysis.d - because the /var/run/ directory is removed tasks.cfg is NOT marked config(noreplace) on servers during this upgrade - remove inode and mounts patches and replace with section scripts - sar script included as client extra * Fri Jan 06 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.7-5 - logrotate script was looking at an incorrect directory - replace perl with %%{__perl} -p in scriptlets - fix lots of rpmlint warnings - move static HTML (gifs, help, menu) out of /var/www/xymon and compress html-ized man pages - add Default-Start/Stop to init scripts - use tmpdir for runtime info (F15 compliance for tmpfs /var/run/) * Wed Jan 04 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.7-4 - build requires net-snmp-devel for experimental snmp support - client now installs to /usr/share/xymon-client - remove all clientupdate and orcaxymon references - clients don't need xymoncfg installed - remove unusued client tmp directory - add 'sections' plugin directory for packaged client scripts * Tue Jan 03 2012 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.7-3 - use build conditionals for extra clients, dietlibc, and alt shells - add /usr/local/share/xymon-client for local pre-fab client scripts - modify CGI scripts when using alternative shell (eg, /bin/dash) - rename dfinodes report (from patch) to match what xymond_rrd expects - fix dietlibc x86_64 builds with updated sha2 libs - include strings.h when needed - add upstart flags to init scripts - remove legacy runclient.sh and xymon.sh startup scripts - remove unused xymonclient-$os scripts * Thu Dec 29 2011 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.7-1 - patch xymond_rrd to delimit stdout streams with tabs - create combos.d and protocols.d directories for server - add PIE compilation for security - add rrd_rec patch for RH7's gcc - update license to GPLv2 - clean up misc rpmlint warnings * Tue Dec 13 2011 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.7-0 - upgrade to 4.3.7 * Mon Nov 07 2011 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.5-2 - 2 patches were failing due to fuzz being stricter in RHEL6 * Tue Oct 11 2011 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.5-1 - upgrade to 4.3.5 - bug: xymonrun left trailing DIR in replacement * Tue Aug 03 2011 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.4-0 - upgrade to 4.3.4 - remove minor rrd patch until can be re-tested on old rh7.3 box * Sun May 08 2011 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.3-0 - upgrade to 4.3.3 * Thu Apr 14 2011 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.2-0 - upgrade to 4.3.2 * Thu Mar 24 2011 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.0-0.959 - add pre-upgrade script to convert client sysconfig to new variable names * Wed Mar 23 2011 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.0-0.958 - remove "-l" in second useradd call (oops) - clean up several patches that were succeeding due to fuzziness but were failing on fedora 14 - add useLogReaderGrp flag in .spec - add /usr/bin/xymon{,cmd} symlinks in client package - remove gcc-c++ BuildRequires; seems to no longer be needed * Fri Mar 18 2011 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.0-0.956 - remove "-l" in useradd call (allow legacy rh builds) - alwaysXYMONSERVERS: don't place localhost into xymonclient.cfg (oops) * Thu Mar 17 2011 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.0-0.955 - update to 4.3.0 release - several init script typo fixes - remove sar and yum check scripts (to be packaged separately); also remove Requires: perl - add ghost /etc/xymon/xymon{passwd,groups} files - replace localhost entries in default hosts.cfg with hostname * Mon Feb 14 2011 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.0-RC1-0.900 - massive spec file cleanup - update to 4.3.0-RC1, with most files and variables removing references to 'hobbit' anywhere - remove patches integrated upstream - replacement init scripts now parsed by Makefile with variables - add upstream xymonreports.sh to cron; Requires: crontabs, logrotate - /etc/sysconfig/xymon on server is now a ghost config - rename /etc/xymon-client/launch.d/ to client.d * Fri Jul 9 2010 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.0_beta2-0.6 - slight spec file clean up - hobbitgraph.cfg now broken out into a directory (taken from Mandrake's RPM) - user creation in scriptlets done per Fedora standards * Tue Mar 16 2010 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.0_beta2-0.5.4 - add inodes check to hobbitclient-linux.sh * Tue Sep 01 2009 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.0_beta2-0.5.3 - add perl to Requires due to use in hobbitclient-sar - bugfixes in sample yum check-update script * Mon Aug 24 2009 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.0_beta2-0.5.2 - fix sadc version determiniation for alternate arguments - add hobbitd_rrd.rec.patch for RH7 * Fri Jul 31 2009 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.0_beta2-0.5.1 - apply bbcombotest patch - re-add (unused) clientupdate man page to client-passive rpm - bbcmd: hush when using default environment file unless in debug mode - client: submit data from /proc/mounts along with the mount command's version - bb: --both switch to append any STDIN after the msg on the command line - add sysstat checks if available (in 1m intervals) - remove sleep in hobbitclient.sh for vmstat (and sar) calls - initscripts clean up both temp vmstat and sadc data files * Fri Jul 17 2009 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.0_beta2-0.4.1 - disable hobbitd_rrd caching - data loss in high channel loads - remove superfluous "exit" in hobbitclient-sh to make easier to patch - add xymon.do_ncv.offbyone.patch - add hobbitgraph-ff3.5.zoom.patch * Wed Jul 08 2009 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.0_beta2-0.4 - add client-passive package w/o user or service files - minor spec file cleanup - bug in hobbit -> xymon httpd.conf rewrite rule * Fri Jun 12 2009 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.0_beta2-0.3 - fix perms on both server AND client logfetch tool packages - split clientlaunch.cfg into /etc/xymon-client/launch.d/ on clients - move pidfile for msgcache daemon on client to /var/run where it belongs - improved README.redhat doc * Fri Jun 12 2009 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.0_beta2-0.2.3 - back out dependency patch pending further review, rename hobbitd to _hobbitd inside launch.d/ to work around - add hobbitlaunch_newline patch for the above error condition - leave BBTMP in place throughout, since we now differentiate between client and server at the environment variable level - allow other users to execute logfetch tool, for remote execution * Thu Jun 11 2009 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.0_beta2-0.2.1 - bug: /var/lib/xymon/tmp (for the server) was not apache-writable; hobbitgraph.sh was exiting immediately - include sample sysconfig files on server as well - don't require dependencies in hobbitlaunch.cfg to be in any specific order * Thu May 28 2009 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.0_beta2-0.2 - add xymonClientRoot to client-core to prevent bbcmd errors * Mon Apr 27 2009 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.0_beta2-0.1 - update to beta2, remove upstreamed patches - insert new server variable for pid location: BBRUNDIR * Mon Apr 20 2009 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.0_beta1-0.97.1 - add xymon.hobbitd_buflen patch * Fri Apr 17 2009 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.0_beta1-0.97 - remove sar files (will create separate extensions package) - bb/bbcmd broken off into a client-core package for non-daemon installs * Thu Apr 9 2009 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.0_beta1-0.965 - ensure load from client-runtime.cfg file in hobbitserver.cfg - reduce sadc report frequency from 30s to 2m * Fri Mar 27 2009 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.0_beta1-0.964 - bugfixes in xymon-sadc.sh - FIXME: double-check using right /tmp directories between sadc scripts and hobbitclient-linux reader * Fri Mar 27 2009 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.0_beta1-0.963 - increase default MAXMSG_* to at least 512K - add xymon-sadc.sh and xymon-sardata.sh for better sar integration on clients - server-side script to take data reports and make status reports coming soon - data module enabled by default on server (until rrd integration done) * Thu Mar 26 2009 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.0_beta1-0.962 - add bb-sar script to client (and client on server); Requires: sysstat - ensure HOBBITCLIENTHOME is defined in hobbitclient.cfg so that bbcmd has a valid environment on clients even when not being run by an init script - redirect /hobbit in apache config instead of just /hobbit/ - if using xymon, add mod_rewrites for the older "hobbit" locations * Wed Mar 25 2009 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.0_beta1-0.96 - bbcmd looks in both the server and client configs for its default environment instead of just the server - the client running on the server now loads /etc/sysconfig/xymon-client like the standalone client does (so we can report our local status to an additional xymon server besides ourself) - touch an empty hobbit-holidays.cfg file - logfetch is now chmod 2700 (sgid) with a configurable group for reading /var/log/messages (normally the 'daemon' group) * Tue Mar 24 2009 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.0_beta1-0.95 - switch client's tmpdir to /dev/shm to ensure it can continue to run even when /tmp and /var/tmp are full. - move out unused runclient.sh and hobbit.sh scripts and replace with symlinks to the init scripts - convert hobbitlaunch's config to seperate files in /etc/xymon/launch.d - hobbitlaunch patch: ignore .rpm files - hobbitlaunch patch: don't segfault on empty configs * Thu Mar 05 2009 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.0_beta1-0.92 - replace BBSERVERLOGS, BBVAR, BBTMP in server hobbitlaunch.cfg * Wed Mar 04 2009 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.0_beta1-0.91 - add four patches from hobbitmon list - add lsbrelease.patch and Requires: lsb - add README.redhat describing package changes - per Fedora guidelines, no longer delete user/group on uninstall - chmod perms on /var/log/messages to allow 'daemon' group to read - client: launch pid now stored in /var/run/xymon/hobbitlaunch.pid - server: tmpdir moved from /var/lib/xymon/tmp to /var/tmp/xymon - server: web templates moved from /etc/xymon/web to /usr/share/xymon/web * Tue Mar 03 2009 Japheth Cleaver 4.3.0_beta1-0.6 - update package name, service name, and user/groups created from hobbit to xymon - rewrite large portions of spec file for clarity - make alternate shell configurable in the package - tighten a few permissions throughout - clean up vmstat files lying around upon service stop * Wed Nov 19 2008 Japheth Cleaver 4.2.0-14 - Add BuildRequires: gcc-c++ * Mon Aug 04 2008 Japheth Cleaver 4.2.0-13 - fix integer bug in relver determiniation in init scripts * Thu Jun 05 2008 Japheth Cleaver 4.2.0-11 - make sure we exclude scripts run during install from our sh -> ash search * Wed Mar 05 2008 Japheth Cleaver 4.2.0-10 - rebuild * Thu Oct 12 2006 Japheth Cleaver 4.2.0-9 - print summaries on bb2 page * Fri Oct 6 2006 Japheth Cleaver 4.2.0-8 - update to use most recent all-in-one patch - replace all occurances of dig in bb-hosts to dns - cleaner killing of vmstat and other processes hanging around after initscript: stop - add Obsoletes for big brother * Wed Oct 4 2006 Japheth Cleaver 4.2.0-7 - update to use most recent all-in-one patch - use ash in more places, if package is compiled to use it - better error given if reload attempted when server is not running * Mon Oct 2 2006 Japheth Cleaver 4.2.0-6 - $PATH in initscripts now set by init.d/functions, with libexec added * Thu Sep 28 2006 Japheth Cleaver 4.2.0-5 - additional released patches from distribution - minor package cleanup * Mon Aug 21 2006 Japheth Cleaver 4.2.0-4 - lots of patches from distribution - initscript: runtimefile was not being created on cond restart * Thu Aug 10 2006 Japheth Cleaver 4.2.0-1 - updated to release version